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Infographic: Go Mobile

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86% of mobile internet users are using their devices while watching TV (Source: ). That is how dependent we are on it and that is how indispensable that small device is, in our lives. Not surprisingly enough, a recent survey says that there are more mobile phones than people on this planet, with over 1 billion subscriptions added in the last four years.

The overwhelming dependence on mobiles is not unwarranted. Think of the umpteen things you can do: talk, check your email, book an order, make a purchase, research on and browse required products, map a route to an unknown destination, stay connected (the buzzword in social media) to your friends and family… The list is indeed endless.

With the era of smartphones taking over, the marketing and selling landscape is also being redefined. Companies know that if they are to sustain and increase sales, mobile has to be part of the marketing strategy. First-time internet users in the developing countries, are doing so through smartphones and tablets. Apps like Android, iOS are dedicated toward making your life easier.

50% of mobile phone users use mobile as their primary internet source ( ). Truly a new age of instant connectivity has dawned upon us and it is here to stay. Have a look at the infographic below, check the facts and be reassured.

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