Case Study - Image Sharing for CDMA Handsets

Client Name: NDA bound

Application: Image Sharing Application

Industry: Information and Media

Project Overview: The client wanted a mobile application to allow its customers to transfer their images and videos from their mobile memory to the client’s web server and share them with a wider audience. The challenge for us was to develop an application providing functionality to upload multimedia such as video, image, audio format files and allowing the user to perform various operations with the images like scaling and rotating etc.
image sharing
Primary Objectives:

Solution: This application was aimed at creating an easy solution to store images and videos, which reside in mobile memory to the client’s web server enabling the user to share the content with friends and a larger audience globally. The application allows a full control for the admin over the management of each user profile. The application on first installation builds a connection with the internet to transfer the images and videos from the device memory to the server. Once the application is installed the user can download the server data and can perform various operations on the application like image scaling, rotation etc.

Server-side: ASP.NET, MS SQL and XML Parsing
Client-side: BREW application development SDK, Visual studio environment development, BREW C, BREW C++

Features: This easy to use photo sharing application works on a variety of platforms synchronizing both online and offline actions. Some of its features are listed below: To get a mobile application for your business, contact us at +91-11-30201033 or info at